On March 26, 2024, a brand new version of Enki replaces the previous application.
New design, new simpler, more intuitive and more ergonomic experience, new functionalities, find here an article detailing this evolution:
New Enki application: Everything that changes on March 26, 2024
Indeed, for over a year, our team of over 100 people has been actively working on preparing version 2.0 of Enki. We have made many changes and introduced new features, resulting from in-depth reflection based on your feedback and suggestions (customer analyzes, surveys, etc.).
We understand that these changes may require some time to adapt, but our goal is to improve your daily experience in the long term.
Since Tuesday, our entire team has been fully mobilized to support you. Although we cannot respond immediately to all of your messages, please know that we read them carefully and take note of your comments and experiences, as we always have.
In addition to provide you with first aid:
- Our knowledge base contains many detailed articles: https://support.enki-home.com/hc/fr
- Our video tutorials on our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/enkilasolutionmaisonconnecteedeleroymerlin
- Regarding the new heating programming you will also find two guides:
- Changes in scenarios for the new version of Enki
- Objects not supported in the new version of the Enki application
- New use of certain heating and boiler modules
Some features that you ask us are planned in the next versions of the application, such as the history of objects (logbook), groups, the energy consumption of your objects, the hourly programming, the support of your security in the scenarios, the personalization of the home screen, etc. We will keep you informed in the coming weeks.
We thank you for your messages, and we assure you of our continued mobilization to make Enki the best solution for each of you
Information from 01/04/2024 at 10:00: The connection with Alexa has been restored. You can again associate your Alexa account and control your objects by voice. To associate your Alexa account, from the main page of the application, press the "+" button at the top right, then "Associate a partner account", then "Amazon Alexa" and let yourself be guided.