This screen allows you to add, edit, or delete a time slot for a specific day. This functionality allows you to define a start and end time for the slot, as well as the heating mode to be used during that period of time.
If a heating mode is already defined for the selected time, the new time slot will override it.
To add/edit a time slot:
- Select the start and end time by clicking on the corresponding fields and selecting the desired time in the picker dialog.
- Select the heating mode to be used during that time slot.
- Press the "Confirm" button to validate and record the time slot.
- If you are editing an existing time slot, you will have the option to delete it by clicking on "Delete time slot"
Related articles :
- Manual Override on My Heating Equipment
- Heating Configuration Assistant
- In the “My Heaters” tab, how can I turn off my Enki heaters?
- A Guide to Heating in Enki 2.0
- Heating
- Create or edit a heating mode
- Editing a heating program
- Editing a time slot for heating
- Day of the week for heating scheduling
- Duplicate heating configuration of a day